2016 is quickly coming to an end and I'm unsure if that's a good or bad thing. This year was both the best and worst at the same time, and I'm not quite sure how that's even possible. I think the quote that I resonate with the most this year is "I am both happy and sad at the same time, and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be." - Stephen Chbosky (Perks of Being a Wallflower)
Anyways, here are some of my favorite photos in no particular order. These aren't all live images, because I did a lot more BTS kind of stuff this year than ever before, but they all mean something to me, and are some of my best work I think.
This day was so last minute, but it was wonderful either way. I did some photo and video work for Bayside since their photog, Andy DeLuca, was not around since he had a prior commitment. Some of the video footage was used for their weekly blog/videos that Andy makes, and he made them look so much cooler than they really are. I really love this photo because I tried to focus solely on his hands since they are his instruments, in a way.
This is the second time I've shot Fall Out Boy, and it was just as great as the first. I liked this photo because it was so simple compared to the other ones from the show where you can see all the production.
This photo was taken while I was in the studio with my friends in Davlin. John Cass, former vocalist of Sleep On It, created Davlin to jump back into music, and I am so proud and in love with the art he's been creating. This page has a few of the lines from their song "What It's Like to Die."
This was my first show for Local Wolves, and I really ended up liking the colors on these photos.
This is from the last day of the last tour of the year. Colours is a phenomenal band from Florida who was also on the badXchannels tour this winter. Shooting them was nice as hell because they had their own lighting rig and it made me nerd out every night. I really enjoyed shooting Morgan though, he's one of the best drummers I've ever seen, and a pretty fun one to watch too.
This was for the cover feature of Focus, and it was one of the best shoots I've had. Marianas Trench was the first band to ever grant me a photo pass, so being able to work with them and put them on the cover of my magazine was one of the highlights of my life.
I first met these guys on Warped Tour this summer, so I thought it'd be cool to do an "A Day in the Life" with them for Focus, specially because their album Haven't Been Myself is one of my favorite ones from this year. I like this photo because we snuck onto the rooftop of Bottom Lounge, not the one by the stairs, no we had to climb the freaking ladder. It turns out, Travis here is afraid of heights, but he overcame that just for the nice view the roof had to offer and I think that's cool.
This show was seriously kind of annoying. Not the show, sorry, just the whole media situation. Arena shows in general are kind of annoying sometimes. Still, TØP are some of the best musicians to photograph and the production is always mindblowing.
This was taken in Boston sometime between 11-12pm. Afte the show, we went to Amanda's house for a BBQ/Bonfire. Afterwards, she took us to a golf field to watch the stars. So I busted out my camera and began to take long exposure images. I saw Eric sitting at the top of this little hill and took a chance. Luckily, he didn't move at all and this was the result. Literally, the second after the photo was taken (I put it on 30 seconds), he jumped down.
This image is an outtake of a shoot I did for PAWS, a shelter here in Chicago. I've done a few things for them now, but this shoot was for an ad in their magazine. I really enjoyed this shoot, location was beautiful, and the people (and animals) were great.
This was taken during Warped and is part of my Grunge series (ps I have a few of the photos on sale here!). I loved working on this series since it was so different than anything I've ever done, but this one was my favorite.
I met these guys last year when I did my first DITL with them, and they treated me as part of their time right away. So when they came back, I had to see them again. They're truly some of the best human beings. This photo is one of my favorites because Tony kept falling asleep throughout the day, and he made the mistake of falling asleep around Eric and Steve, so obviously they bothered him.
Taken at Warped Tour. They are some of the best people, and one of the best bands to photograph. Plus their music is A+.
I swear, Eric has given me some of my favorite photos of all time. I don't know how he does it, but he does. This was taken during the last day of Warped.